Delete a File in TortoiseSVN 1.4.7

A website I worked on started out with a whole bunch of CSS files. I prefer having as few as possible and only add an ie.css as a last resort. Here’s how I removed them.

Locate the File

Windows Explorer shows the local folder for this project.
  1. Go to the folder where the file you want to delete is.
  2. Right-click on it.
  3. Select the TortoiseSVN > Delete menu item.

Diff... also uses D for its access key. It could use f to keep Delete conventional with Windows. Changing “Diff” to “Differences” widens the choice.

Are you Sure?


Delete shows this message box:

'C:\Program Files\WAMP\www\tower college\site\templates\beez\css\position.css' has local modifications

Do you want to remove it anyway?

Command Buttons

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Yes to all

Yes to all is redundant in this case as only 1 item is selected.

Inconsistencies with Windows Explorer

  1. No Close button in the title bar even though a button lets it be dismissed.
  2. Icon is 6 pixels (90 twips) from top edge instead of 11 pixels (105 twips).
  3. Icon is 10 pixels (150 twips) from left edge instead of 11 pixels (105 twips).
  4. Uses a complete path instead of a filename.
  5. Lack of terminal punctuation for the first paragraph.
  6. No blank line between paragraphs.
  7. Buttons are centered to the window rather than:
    1. right-aligned to the window;
    2. centered to the text.
    3. or filling the window width;
  8. Buttons widths differ from each other.
  9. Buttons widths don’t match real message boxes.
  10. Buttons are too close to the bottom.
  11. Button order does not match other Window Explorer message boxes.
  12. Access keys for buttons are missing. Should be:
    1. Yes
    2. Yes to All
    3. No
  13. All does not begin with a capital letter.
  14. No Cancel button.

Pointless Warning?

The icon overlay showed the file had been altered. I still went through context menus to delete it. I knew what I was doing. This warning didn’t help me.

The Recycle Bin Properties set whether it warns before a deleting. I turned this off because:

TortoiseSVN use this setting for its warning, thus integrating more completely.

Silent Deletion

I clicked Yes and no windows appeared. The file was deleted silently. Statusbar text could say “File deleted” but the file had clearly gone from the listing.

This was a pleasant surprise. Other features could benefit from this approach.

Recycle Bin Integration

Supporting normal Delete and the Recycle Bin would make this easier to use.