
This is to help GTA fans, programmers and modders can always find the original versions of things I make or contribute to.

My Pages

You may link to any page on this site.

If you want to affiliate yourself to my site, you can use this button:

Project Cerbera

You can add the button to your site using this HTML or come up with your own:

<a href="http://projectcerbera.com"><img width="88" height="31" src="http://projectcerbera.com/button.png" alt="Project Cerbera" title="Project Cerbera"></a>

My Content

If you find something you like here and want to share it, that’s great. Just link to the page it was on.

This way other people can always find the original version.

My Application Source Code

I supply the source code with the programs I make. You may alter the code, add to the code or remove any of it for your own use. If you redistribute any significant amount of my code then please include a link to this site so that people may find the original version.

Your Privacy

This site gathers basic technical statistics about how your browser interacts with this website which cannot be used to identify you.

This information is kept secure and is only used for analysing my website’s popularity, tracking down errors and improving it in reaction to traffic patterns.

Your Accessibility

This is just a hobbyist site done in my spare time. A very high level of accessibility is not feasible, although I do try!