Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1

Viewing the page it started at.

I tried the IE8 beta on 7th March 2008. I’m still documenting user interface problems in IE7, slowly.


My Comments about UI on the IE Blog

Birth of a Security Feature: ClickJacking Defense, 3rd February 2009.
Another <meta> tag instead of baking security into the browser.
IE and Windows XP Service Pack 3, 12th May 2008.
Follow-up to balance out my previous message.
IE and Windows XP Service Pack 3, 6th May 2008.
It shouldn’t be this hard.
Add-on Management Improvements in Internet Explorer 8, 27th March 2008.
Another follow-up to previous review.
re: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, 23rd March 2008.
Follow-up to previous review.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, 21st March 2008.
Detailed review of Manage Add-ons.
The IE8 Favorites Bar, 23rd March, 2008.
Why the sidebar shouldn’t cut into the status bar. As if this needs an explanation.
The IE8 Favorites Bar, 12th March 2008.
Tabbed sidebar but gaps around controls.
Improved Productivity Through Internet Explorer 8 Developer Tools, 8th March, 2008.
Developer toolbar is getting more fiddly.