January 2014 in the Life of Ben (Blog)
PS3 NAT Type 2 (26th January 2014)
Used the guide on Rockstar Games Support to change my WiFi settings.
(More to follow.)
Cycling Crash on Ice (14th January 2014)
On my way to getting my hair cut I lost the front end on an off-camber bend at a junction. Wasn’t going fast and the road surface looked fine so I reckon it was black ice. There was lots of it on the road leading up to the shops, by which time I was walking.
Bashed my right hip really hard and it swelled up like an Alien was going to burst out! Also hit the palm of my right hand and that swelled a bit, thankfully didn’t break it again.
Rested at home all day and rode home very gently that evening. Still rather tender the next day at work but kept using it, gently. By the next day, Friday, felt OK.
By the weekend my wrist felt better that it has in months. Almost like it did before I broke it.
Haircut 19 (14th January 2014)
Quite a while since my my previous haircut in May last year! Meant to get another in October 2013 but other commitments prevented that.
It was really long and busy, Led Zeppelin style. Quite liked it but was a bit too insulating when going indoors after cycling.
Now it’s very short and textured the same way. Should grow out the same as before so I might get it thinned out in Spring.