2008 in the Life of Ben (Blog)

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December

January 2008

  1. 10 Years of Content
  2. 5 Years of Blogging
  3. New Year’s Party
  4. Here Lie the Remains of Site Surgeon, © 2005–2006
  5. Parents’ 25th Anniversary
  6. Optimising Crockery-based Sayings
  7. Improving on Perfection
  8. SEO & Spamming
  9. What Should IE Do?
  10. Mouse Acceleration and Me
  11. Brightening Up
  12. Accurately Describing Human Intuition in Data Tables
  13. 1st Cycle of 2008
  14. IE7 aka Nostalgic Instability Update

February 2008

  1. Notes on Notes
  2. What I Do
  3. 5th Blood Donation
  4. Mum’s Birthday
  5. Damn. I’m Still a Noob.
  6. The Long Description
  7. Further Description
  8. Ill
  9. Mainstream Site Icons
  10. Comparing longdesc to <a href>
  11. Located Pondtail
  12. 2008 Tasks
  13. Procrastination
  14. Cycle Ride with Dad
  15. “Suits you, Sir!”
  16. Recovered from Illness
  17. Taking Reviews Personally

March 2008

  1. Flippin’ Wardrobe
  2. Month Off
  3. Haircut 4
  4. What Ben Millard would like from CSS3
  5. Trying IE8
  6. Zoe’s Birthday
  7. Accessibility is a Solved Problem (Almost)
  8. Building Accessible School Websites
  9. Tutorial Index Rethink
  10. Accessibility Interest in HTMLWG
  11. Zoe and Sarah Tie the Knot
  12. Eurosport Owns Le Mans
  13. Good Devices are Invisible
  14. ARIA and Clever Use of HTML4
  15. Ian Hickson Compliments a Noob
  16. 100% in GT3
  17. Subscribing to W3C PFWG
  18. Status of CFG Studio 2

April 2008

  1. Subscribing to public-pfwg-comments@w3.org
  2. April Showers Blizzards
  3. Menus in Firefox 2
  4. Flattened Conversations
  5. 8 Mile Ride
  6. Hackish Accessibility Techniques
  7. Tabular Forms Idea
  8. Sunshine and Guinea Pigs
  9. Cycling Hero!
  10. Managing Bandwidth
  11. Chickenpox at Age 22
  12. From NCRs to Entities

May 2008

  1. Sight City 2008 Notes & Experiences
  2. Windows XP SP3
  3. Bicycle Tune-up and Short Ride
  4. Extinction of Stone Age Blog IA
  5. GTA4 Modding Banned?
  6. Mozilla Funding HTML5 Accessibility Research

June 2008

  1. Parents Going to Looe
  2. Clarity is Massive Win
  3. Sunny Cycling
  4. Brake Pads Replaced
  5. Amazing Le Mans 24 Hours
  6. GTA IA
  7. Offline IRI Collection
  8. Parents Gone to Looe
  9. New Blog for 2003
  10. Bought SmartFTP
  11. 23rd Birthday
  12. GTA 2 Modding

July 2008

  1. 6th Blood Donation

August 2008

  1. Feature Proliferation
  2. Misplaced Sympathy
  3. Cycled with Warren
  4. W3C Desktop Publishing
  5. Blog Done
  6. HTML5 Research Midpoint
  7. AT UI
  8. Family Cycle
  9. Long Family Cycle
  10. Attending HTMLWG Meeting
  11. Cycled Fleet Pond with Dad
  12. headers Issue “Resolved”

September 2008

  1. Reponse to headers Feedback
  2. Untangling Bad Tables
  3. 2-part Cycle
  4. Opera’s Website
  5. Haircut 5
  6. Hengistbry Head
  7. Mobile Web Bugs

October 2008

  1. I’m Packing
  2. TPAC ToC
  3. Returned from TPAC

November 2008

  1. Calthorpe Wins “Most Accessible Website”
  2. Leaving Accessify Forums
  3. TPAC Cost
  4. 7th Blood Donation
  5. scope, colspan & rowspan
  6. Smart Headers & HTML5

December 2008

  1. (Don’t) Buy Online
  2. High Street Shopping
  4. Dentistry in the UK!
  5. Fever!
  6. Firefox 2, Still
  7. Family Xmas