Project Cerbera > User Interfaces > Articles About User Interfaces
Articles About User Interfaces
OS Integration
- What Happened To A Standard Interface? by Ed Hansberry on 13th November 2006:
- “I like my desktop to look somewhat organized, but that thing above looks like a random jumble of UIness.” Phew. It’s not just me, then.
- The Firefox 3 Visual Refresh: System Integration by Alex Faaborg on 10th October 2007:
- “Visual integration with Windows and OS X is our primary objective for the Firefox 3 refresh.” We’ll probably get unequal-height circular buttons, though.
Web Browsers
- Common User Agent Problems (CUAP) by W3C:
- It’s just a Note but some browser makers took notice.
- Self-Examination [of Mozilla Suite’s UI] by Dave Hyatt on 11th April, 2002:
- “My own source of personal angst is Mozilla’s mediocre user interface.”
- Putting it All Together by Dave Hyatt on 20th April, 2002:
- “Another problem with the user interface [in Mozilla Suite] is the clutter from the other applications.”
- The Start of Something New by Ben Goodger on 2nd July 2003:
- “User Interface is an interesting thing. Everyone thinks they can do it, but the sorry truth is they can’t.” Ouch, dude!
- Review of The Top 10 Usability Problems in Mozilla and vidication of MPT by James Graham on 3rd September 2003:
- Separating the browser from everything else was largely for UI simplification.
- Original Firefox manifesto reviewed by Blake Ross on 22nd January 2005, originally from 2003:
- “The interface will not be ‘geeky’ nor will it have a ‘hacker-focus’. Nor will it be ‘minimal’. The idea is to design the best web browser for most people. (This doesn’t mean every feature has to be enabled by default.)”
- The Firefox religion by Blake Ross on 22nd January 2005:
- “The fact is that for most people, there is no one life-changing feature in Firefox, no ‘ah ha!’ moment; the Big Thing is the sum of a thousand little moments where Firefox worked with them, not against them.” Hear, hear.
- Why I switched to Firefox by Scott Berkun on 12th September 2005:
- IE UI developer for versions 1 to 5.
- berkun switches to firefox by Asa Dotzler on 14th September, 2005:
- “Oh, and as for your question on the gatekeepers for UI [in Firefox], that was Blake, Ben, Dave, and me :-)”
- Interview with Firefox Founder and Creator Blake Ross by Daniel Goldman on 17th January 2007:
- “I am strongly against shuffling UI around just to make a release feel ‘new’.” Agreed! Firefox has done it twice: once with the Options dialogue and again by making the default theme a custom theme. IE7 takes this to extremes.