Home Fitness & Stir Fry (20th February 2014)
For the stir fry, we follow the normal regime and recipe.
The fitness aspect is roughly noted below. (Revised in August 2015.)
Warm Up
5 each, repeat 3 times.
- Rowing motion with arms only
- Reaching up and down
- Shaking arms back and forth
- Raise knees towards chest
- Raise foot to opposite hand
- Slide foot backwards and raise it behind
- Shoulder rolls forward
- Shoulder rolls backward
- Elbow rolls inward
- Elbow rolls outward
- Wrist rolls inward
- Wrist rolls outward
- Head roll (gently one way then the other counts as 2)
- Light jogging
- Starjumps
- Jumps with hands forward
- Twisting
- Jog with high knees
- Jog with feet behind
- Light stepping from side to side
Warm Up End
Start at 10 reps, do one less each time. 20 minutes limit. (Or start at 5 reps with 10 minutes limit.)
- Squat
- Burpee
- Push-up
- V-sit (one leg at a time, 1 rep both legs)
Hold each 5-10 seconds. Gently shake out between each.
- Crouch down to one foot (on tip-toe) with other leg straight out to the side, one side then the other
- Legs shoulder width apart and bend towards floor
- Legs double shoulder width apart, touch opposite ankle, one then the other
- Arm across body, one then the other
- Arm behind head, one then the other