Housesitting for Fliss and Sue (29th July 2007)
Fliss and her mum (Sue) were going to Craig’s wedding this weekend. Craig is a son of Sue and is about 34 years old.
It was very quiet in the house while they were away. Reminded me of when I housesit for mum and dad.
- Was ready 2 hours early.
- Arrived about 19:30 as Fliss was coming back from course.
- Played fetch with Scrappy.
- Fliss set up her laptop downstairs so I could play games over the weekend.
- Woke up 10:00.
- Had breakfast.
- Met Liam, a friend of the family since 1998 or 1999.
- Sue’s first time out of the house probably since last year.
- Lovely sunny day.
- Waved them off about 11:00.
- Played with Scrappy and his new rubber tyre.
- Washed up some crockery and started cooking lunch.
- Played Worms Armageddon. (The organisation of their website was simplified after my feedback. They went with a more radical and effective change to what I suggested, which is cool.)
- Ate lunch.
- Played fetch with Scrappy and a rubber bee-hive chew toy thing.
- Played some more Worms Armageddon.
- Started cooking dinner at 17:30.
- Lonliness started getting to me, compounded by there being nobody around to express this to. (A vicious circle.)
- Sent Fliss a text asking how the event was.
- Watched some FIA WTCC.
- Washed up at 19:00.
- Watched some more TV.
- Went to bed at 21:45.
- Woke up at 8:30.
- Snoozed through to 10:30.
- Had breakfast.
- Watched more FIA WTCC.
- Played fetch for over 1 hour with Scrappy.
- Fliss and Sue arrived back about 16:00 with: Kirsty (met briefly a couple of years ago).Dave (her boyfriend) and Liam.
- Sue was very appreciative of me housesitting. It had meant a great deal to Craig for Sue to be there and many other guests were very pleased to see she’d made it there.
- Fliss had gotten ill on the way back but still thanked me several times.
- Got a lift back with Liam after he dropped off Kirsty and Dave.
- Successfully made small-talk with him for the whole journey back. I gained this skill at college but thought I might have lost it. So this was cool.
Unpacked my stuff when I got back, then pumped up my bicycle’s tyres and went for a 30 minute cycle ride. Then I ate dinner and blogged this.